Abigail Adams
First Lady & Patriot
Louisa Johnson Adams
Wife of John Quincy Adams
First Woman of Athens
Antoinette Brown Blackwell
First Ordained Woman Minister in
Elizabeth Blackwell
First Female Physician in the
Margaret Brent
First Woman to Request the Vote
Barbara Bush
First Lady and Mother of George W. Bush
Laura Welch Bush
First Lady
Catharine of Aragon
First Wife of Henry VIII A.D. 1485-1536
Frances Folsom Cleveland
Wife of President Grover Cleveland
Marie Sklodowska Curie
Polish-Born Chemist & Physicist
Amelia Earhart
The First Woman to Fly Solo Across the
Mamie Eisenhower
Military Wife and First Lady
Abigail Powers Fillmore
The Literary First Lady
Cornelia Fort - First Woman
to Die in Active Military Duty
Lucretia Garfield
- Five Month First Lady
Julia Dent Grant
The General's Lady
Lucy Webb Hayes
Legendary First Lady
Caroline Harrison
First Lady and Domestic Activist
Anna Symmes Harrison
Wife of President William Harrison
Lou Henry Hoover
Wife of Henry Hoover
Vinnie Ream Hoxie
Rachel Jackson
The General's Lady
Claudia Johnson
The First Lady Called "Lady Bird"
Eliza McCardle Johnson
First Lady From Tennessee
Harriet Lane First Lady
to a Batchelor President
Henrietta Larson
Mary Todd Lincoln
The Emancipator's Lady
Belva A. Lockwood
First Woman Admitted to Bar of U.S. Supreme
Court 1830 - 1917
Ada Byron Lovelace
The First Computer Programmer 1815 - 1852
Mary Lyon
Noted Educator of Women
Dolley Madison
American Icon
Wilma ManKiller
First Woman Chief of the Cherokee Nation
Mileva Maric
Mother of the Theory of Relativity
Ida Saxton McKinley
Invalid of the White House
Maria Mitchell
Pioneer Scientist
Elizabeth Monroe
Elegance in the White House
Jane Appleton Pierce
Shadow of the
White House
Sarah Polk
Edith Carow Roosevelt
Calm Among the Storm
Eleanor Roosevelt
Calm Among the Turmoil
Maria Stewart
First African American Woman Political Writer
Valentina Tereshkova
The First Woman in Space
Bess Truman
"The Boss"
Letitia Christian Tyler
The Invisible First Lady
Julia Gardner Tyler
The Rode of Long Island
Madam C.J. Walker
First African-American Female Millionaire
Martha Washington
A.D. 1731-1802 The “First” First Lady
Emma Hart Willard
1787 – 1870
Edith Wilson
Wife for a Crisis