Hamill and Juliet
Philippines - 1992
The service was over. Jackie Hamill, a young
Austalian prison evangelist, was excited about
what God was doing. She had felt the love of
Jesus reach out to these inmates. Jackie and
fourteen members of her church had traveled to
the Philippines to minister in a military prison
there. They were concerned for the lost souls of
the inmates, many of whom were Communist
guerrillas in prison for murder.
Suddenly, the quiet was broken by the sounds of
fighting and gunshots. The inmates were rioting
and had overpowered the guards, seizing their
guns and ammunition to make an escape.
The evangelists were taken hostage and held for
three days. Druing this time, Jackie and one
other girl were raped repeatedly. But even in
the moments when she suffered the greatest
shame, Jackie prayed for her captors and spoke
to them about God's love. Her face did not show
panic, revulsion, or hatred, but glowed with the
brightness of God's light. During her
imprisonment, she led the team in singing God's
praises and presented the Gospel to her captors.
One of the rioting inmates threw down his gun
and received Jesus as his Savior.
On the third day, there was a shoot-out between
the prisoners and soldiers who came to stop the
riot. Jackie and Juliet, 16-years-old, were
shot. Even as Jackie lay dying, she raised her
hands to God, praying for the rioting inmates
and for the soldiers. She died while
singing to God.
Jackie had seen a vision of her impending
martyrdom which she had shared with friends. She
knew what could happen. So why did she expose
herself and others to such danger? She went to
the extreme in her love for Christ.
Jesus Freaks Volume II by dc
Copyright C 2002, dc Talk
ISBN 0764227467
Published by Bethany House Publishers
Used by permission. Unauthorized duplication
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