Sarah Winnemucca
Native American Leader
Sarah Winnemucca, Native American of the Paiutes
Tribe, is often remembered as a champion of the rights of
indigenous peoples. Sarah spent her life working toward
obtaining the return of tribal lands to their native people.
Sarah Winnemucca was born in 1842 the daughter
of Chief Winnemucca, leader the Paiutes, an Indian tribe native
to Nevada and California. As a child, Sarah lost many
family members in the Paiute War of 1860, doing much to mold
her into the peacemaker she became.
As Sarah grew into adulthood, she used
her language skills to help her in the role as peacemaker.
Sarah, having a good knowledge of English, used the language
skills that she learned in convent school to work as an interpreter
in an Army camp, but later joined her tribe, which was removed
to the Malheur reservation in Oregon in 1872. At this
reservation she assisted Samuel Parrish with his agricultural
programs as well as working as an interpreter and a teacher.
Mr. Parrish's replacement refused to pay the Paiute for their
farm work,
causing the Bannock War. When the Bannock
War broke out in 1878 Sarah once again offered her services
to the Army. Upon learning that her father and other tribesmen
had been taken captive by the Bannocks, she volunteered to enter
Bannock territory, serving as an
army scout. While in the territory she
was able to free her father and other hostages and see them
safely returned to their tribe.
After the Bannock War, Sarah began to speak
out, describing the plight of her people who were exiled from
their homelands and forced to live on government Indian Reservations.
She also spoke out against the unjust treatment Native Americans
received at the hands of
dishonest Indian agents. She began a lecturing
tour in 1869, traveling in California and the East. Her
speeches drew much attention and she was eventually introduced
to President Rutherford B. Hayes who promised to return her
tribe to their native lands. Despite legislation passed
by Congress that enabled the return of the Paiute land to its
people, the legislation was never enacted.
Besides her work in regards to the return of
native lands to their tribe, Sarah wrote a book Life Among the
Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims bringing attention to
the plight of Native Americans. She also established Nevada's
first school for Native Americans in 1884.
Despite all her efforts on behalf of Native
Americans, Sarah Winnemucca remains a controversial figure with
the Native American community. In 1994 Sarah Winnemucca
was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame.
This excerpt was taken from the book HISTORY'S
WOMEN - THE UNSUNG HEROINES by Patti Chadwick. To purchase
a copy in ebook format ($5.95) or print format ($15.95) visit: