Julia Dent
General's Lady
By Anne

Many saw young Miss Dent as
small, plain and even cross-eyed but to her
brother’s roommate she was beautiful. And when
they met it was the beginning of a 35 plus year
love match that took them both from mid-America
to the palaces of royalty by way of the White
Julia Boggs Dent was born in St. Louis, Missouri
in January, 1826, her father, the self- dubbed
“Colonel” Dent, a fur trader turned farmer, and
who thought the few slaves he owned made his
farm a southern plantation. One of her older
brothers was Frederick, who had attended West
Point where he’d roomed with a young man named
Ulysses S. Grant. After both Frederick and Grant
had graduated, the latter was assigned to a post
near the Dent home where he soon became a
regular visitor. At that time Julia was living
in St. Louis after graduating from school and so
when Grant first visited, the Dent family was
ready to pair him with Julia’s younger sister.
However, when Julia returned, plans changed when
Grant became enthralled with the newly arrived
Dent daughter. Some were prone to think Julia
was not exactly beautiful because she had plain
features and was also cross-eyed. This meant her
right eye wandered, a condition modern
specialists call strabismus. However, Grant saw
beyond the exterior to love the real person
underneath. In the words of one biography Grant
realized that “she was lively, modern and
possessed an irreverent wit. She was an eternal
optimist, engagingly naive and accustomed to
being spoiled. Her schooling and experience with
the world were limited when Lieutenant Grant
came into her life when she was 18.”
However, Julia was already acquainted with Grant
from what her brother had told them. As she said
in a later interview: "My brother Fred thought
the world of Ulysses Grant … he told me that
Ulysses was the finest boy he had ever known. He
said, 'I want you to know him, he is pure gold.
I have never known him to use a profane or
vulgar word in all the time he spent with me; he
is a splendid fellow, and just as soon as comes
out here to Jefferson Barracks, I want you to
meet him.' “
Grant, Julia and rest of the family spent the
several months riding and walking in the woods,
visiting friends, as Grant and Julia became
closer and more serious. Finally when Grant’s
unit was about to be sent to the Texas border,
he and Julia became secretly engaged and would
remain so until he returned. A year later when
he did they sought Colonel Dent’s permission to
marry. However, his approval was not certain
since Julia was a favorite daughter and he did
not see Grant as a suitable husband for her.
Still, Julia coaxed and her father finally
relented. When Grant left to face action in the
Mexican war he was confident that they would be
married when he returned.
Three years later a more mature Grant returned
and they were married in August, 1848. Their
honeymoon took the newlyweds back to visit
Grant’s family in Ohio where they would visit
frequently, although Julia would never be close
to them since they disapproved of their son’s
marrying into a slave holding family.
For the next four years Grant’s military
assignments took him and Julia to places like
Detroit and then Watertown, New York, though she
did return to St. Louis so have her first child
Frederick Dent Grant, in May, 1850.
Grant’s next post was Fort Vancouver on the
Pacific Coast, a location too distant to allow
Julia and the new baby to be with him. She
returned to stay with her in-laws in Ohio where
her second son Ulysses Junior, but nicknamed
Buck since he was born in the Buckeye state,
arrived in July 1852. Then Grant was assigned to
a post near Eureka, California where he coped
with inactivity and homesickness by drinking
heavily. Eventually he was forced to resign from
the Army.
An impoverished Grant returned to the Dent home,
helped along the way home by donations from
friends. Once back home he tried to operate a
small farm Julia’s father had given them,
cutting timbers to build a small cabin. Grant
wryly dubbed the place “Hardscrabble” but
despite his hard work the farm was not
successful, forcing him to work at what he could
find to support his family. It was no doubt a
shock for Grant’s former fellow officers to see
their one time comrade selling firewood on a St.
Louis street, a sad stooped figure in an old
army coat.
After four years of such deprivation, Julia
persuaded a cousin to take her husband into his
real estate business, but that arrangement also
failed. By this time there were other Grant
children: Nellie born in July 1855, and Jesse,
following in February, 1858. With a larger
family to support, Grant finally appealed to his
father who arranged for him to take a job in the
family leather business in Galena, Illinois. In
May, 1860 the Grant family arrived at their new
home to live in a house shared with other family
Since Grant had been much more successful in the
military than in civilian life, he welcomed the
chance to return to the army as the Civil War
began. As he advanced in rank and service, Julia
and the children accompanied him when possible.
The youngsters played in and around his
headquarters and Fred the oldest at age 11,
became a mascot of sorts outfitted with a
miniature uniform, sword and with a pony to
ride. It was a preview for the future West Point
graduate and professional soldier.
While other officers’ wives also accompanied
their husbands, Julia had a unique
responsibility as she did so. For her presence
offered not just the usual wifely support but
she also encouraged Grant to remain sober. She
was with him at several battlefields, and was
even almost captured after the Confederates
destroyed Grant’s supply base and she had to be
hidden by sympathizers. When she could not be
with Grant, she was with her father’s family in
St. Louis or Grant’s family in Kentucky, and as
she traveled between Confederate areas to the
headquarters of her Union general husband, she
had few problems. This may have been because her
husband had attracted no controversy by being in
When Grant was promoted to be
Commander-in-Chief of the Union Forces, Julia
moved with him to Washington to participate in
the events of a wartime national capital. With
an especially chosen wardrobe appropriate to her
husband’s position, in social situations she was
friendly and tactful. Other socialites of the
time may have considered her ordinarily plain
but very pleasant.
As the war came to an end, in April 1865 Julia
was in Washington with Grant when they were
invited to attend Ford’s Theater with the
President and Mrs. Lincoln. Grant was ready to
accept the invitation but Julia declined saying
their children were waiting for them out of
town. While this was true Julia also dreaded an
evening in the company of a First Lady who was
known for her emotional accusatory and jealous
outbursts when she felt her husband was paying
too much attention to another lady.
So General and Mrs. Grant were on their way out
of town when they received word of the
President’s assassination. Grant immediately
returned to Washington while Julia remained with
her children. After his death, while Lincoln
became an almost mythic figure, Grant himself
became very popular because of his position and
accomplishments. After the war Grant and Julia
went on an extensive tour, where she shared in
the honors, ovations and gifts from a generous
nation. One of these gifts was a house in
Galena, Illinois that was to become his official
residence. However, the Grants also lived in
Washington where she continued to enjoy hosting
large receptions and parties. It was a routine
she would continue as the Grants entered the
White House in 1869. In an era when stylish
elegance was the rule, the Grants followed the
custom of serving elaborate multi-course dinners
in over decorated elegantly furnished gas let
salons as they entertained personal as well as
official guests.
Julia was an involved and dedicated manager of
the Executive Mansion, educating herself about
all aspects of the place. Also, Grant and Julia
impressed their staff with their deep affection
for each other and their family. Grant made it a
point to escort Julia to breakfast, and then
spent time with her before it was time for him
to go to work. During this time oldest son Fred
was at West Point then in the army, and Buck was
at Harvard or traveling. Jesse was only ten when
the Grants entered the White House and only
daughter Nellie was developing into a lovely
young lady.
Though the Grants wanted Nellie to attend
boarding school she became so homesick she soon
returned home. Once back in Washington she
became part of an active young social set,
joining friends in carriage rides, visiting, and
in attending receptions and parties. Then when
she sailed to Europe she was received and
entertained by important and titled people, like
Queen Victoria. On the return trip Nellie met
and fell in love with Algernon Charles Sartoris,
member of a famous British theatrical family.
Upon her return Nellie was anxious to marry and
eventually the Grants agreed.
Though it was not the first White House wedding
of a President’s daughter, it was one of the
most elaborate. In May, 1874 the East Room was
stocked with white flowers, and under a wedding
bell made from white roses and with Nellie clad
in an imported $2000 satin veil, the couple
spoke their vows. They were whisked away for a
honeymoon and a new home in England. However,
the marriage proved unhappy and though Nellie
tried to make it a success because of their four
children, they eventually separated and she
returned to the U.S.
Another source of trial for the
Grants was the scandals that involved
administration officials. However, Julia did not
seem to fully comprehend the stress and anguish
Grant felt at all that was happening around him.
If she was shocked at the conduct of those in
the administration it was because it distressed
her husband. Also, she considered reprehensible
those who exposed or criticized the
administration over the scandals. Yet Julia
continued to enjoy planning and implementing
lavish entertainments. When they wanted to take
a break from Washington the Grants could spend
time at their New Jersey seaside cottage or
accept the many invitations to the fine homes of
their personal and official friends. Julia was
contentedly looking forward to Grant’s remaining
in office for three terms. However, her hopes
were dashed when Grant surprised her with his
unanticipated decision to not seek that third
term. To help ease her disappointment he
proposed a world tour after they left office.
The Grants were feted and honored wherever they
went as they traveled to Europe, Africa and
Asia, and were presented with innumerable gifts
and special attention. Just over two years later
they returned to their donated home in Galena,
Illinois, but all the expensive travel had
greatly depleted their funds. Grant wanted to
retire to operate the Dent family farm but Julia
preferred to continue their active social life.
So to accommodate her, Grant agreed to move to
New York City.
Friends and admirers had raised the money to
present the Grants with an elegant home which
also served as a place to display all they had
collected in their public lives and from their
travels. Their new life was financed by a stock
brokerage partnership arrangement operated by
their son Buck and a friend with Grant as a
background figure. However, the arrangement
could not continue and the firm crumbled,
sending Buck’s friend to jail and sinking the
Grants into debt.
Julia could have collapsed along
with their fortune but she did not. They repaid
their debts with the sale of their New York and
Washington homes, along with the contents. At
the same time Grant had an offer to publish his
memoirs and he began to work, hoping the profits
would ease their debts. At the same time he
began to feel the effects of throat cancer
brought on by a long-term love of cigars.
However, as he worked, while Julia lovingly
supervised his care, she did not seem to totally
understand how serious his illness was. They
moved to a mountain cottage near Saratoga
Springs, New York with the hope the fresh air
would strengthen the patient. Grant had
completed his memoirs just weeks before the end
in July, 1885. Julia’s disbelief and shock at
his death was so intense she remained at the
cottage until after the General’s funeral
arrangements so she could retain her composure.
The profits from the sale of Grant’s memoirs
enabled Julia to live her final years
comfortably and securely as she enjoyed the
business and family successes of her children.
Fred and his family lived in nearby New Jersey
while Buck and his family lived in California
for where Julia lived with them for a while.
Eventually when Nellie returned to America she
and Julia shared a home. Julia wore mourning
garb for the remainder of her life and always
became teary when veterans shared their
admiration of the general. Eventually Julia
considered writing her own memoirs but after
completing the manuscript she could not find a
publisher she wanted to work with.
Julia’s memoirs were finally published in the
1970s and there she described her husband: "He
was always perfection, a cheerful, self-reliant,
earnest gentleman. His beautiful eyes, windows
to his great soul, his mouth, so tender, yet so
firm. One must not deem me partial to say that
General Grant was the very nicest and handsomest
man I ever saw.” She also described her life:
“For nearly 37 years, I, his wife, rested and
was warmed in the sunlight of his loyal love and
great fame, and now, even though his beautiful
life has gone out, it is as when some far-off
planet disappears from the heavens; the light of
his glorious fame.”
Julia Grant, whose greatest fame would come from
her association with one of the greatest figures
of the 19th century, lived just two years into
the 20th century when she died in Washington, in
December, 1902.
A native
of Kansas City , Missouri , Anne grew up in
northwestern Ohio , and holds degrees in
history: a BA from Wilmington College ,
Wilmington , Ohio (1967), and a MA from Central
Missouri State University , Warrensburg ,
Missouri (1968)
freelance writer since the early 1970s, she has
published in Christian and secular publications,
has taught history on the junior college level,
and has spoken at national and local writers’
conferences. Her book “Brittany, Child of Joy”,
an account of her severely retarded daughter,
was issued by Broadman Press in 1987. She also
publishes an encouragement newsletter “Rainbows
Along the Way.”