Carrie Adell Strahorn
By Helen K. Egloff
Carrie Green the middle daughter of John W. Green a Prominent Surgeon one of the first west of Chicago. Carrie used to a comfortable life Born in Marengo Illinois and in 1877 getting married to Robert Strahorn who just took on a contract for the railroad to document in writing conditions for the railroad in 1877.
Carrie and her husband Pard, as Carrie called him, traveled widely in countries where there were no rail lines; they traveled by stage coach and horse back through Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Montana, Washington state, and Oregon in the 1870s. Fellow passengers were story tellers, singers of broody songs, children with whooping cough a few woman mostly men going west to find fortunes in gold or commerce.
Carrie rode through Indian wars, over mountains, through vales, through dense, broad open plains, through rivers untold, and forest fires. Through sunshine and storm, through mud and dust with companions of all personalities and experiences unrivaled by any of her sex she documents the west as she saw it. Carrie went down in mine shafts and to the top of Pikes Peak and Estes Park. She documents an extensive coverage of Yellow Stone Park at its very beginning with its medicinal hot springs and mighty gushers and majestic colors it’s sulfur fumes and all it’s beauty and grandeur.
Carrie records all this in her book published in 1911 called Fifteen Thousand Miles by Stage.