Not until the Seven Years’ War did the new epoch in the social and domestic life of Germany begin. From this time forward, the eighteenth century was characterized by a wonderful alteration. The numerous garrisons of foreign troops, and the ennui of gay and young officers in winter quarters, produced a multitude of societies and social amusements which were afterwards continued, and proved the fruitful parents of and still more numerous progeny.

From this time arose the mixed societies, under the names of concerts, picnics, clubs; the practice of having separate apartments for husbands, wives, and children; the unobstructed visits of men to persons of the other sex; the more liberal education of females, their admission into large mixed societies, their increasing consequence, and their improved modes of dress; and, finally, genuine hospitality to strangers, true conviviality among friends, games of hazard, taste and elegance in furniture and equipages, the desire for fashion and luxuries, fondness for reading and amusement, and the habit of travel—all of which brought to womankind of the following century a priceless heritage.


Reference: Woman: Her Position, Influence and Achievement Throughout the Civilized World. Designed and Arranged by William C. King. Published in 1900 by The King-Richardson Co. Copyright 1903 The King-Richardson Co.