Mina A. EllisMina A. Ellis
Canadian Explorer and Author
1870 – 1956 A.D.

Mina A. Ellis, a Canadian explorer and author, born at Bewdly, Ontario, and graduated at the Brooklyn, N,Y. Training School for Nurses. She became superintendent of the Virginia Hospital, Richmond, Va., and in 1901 married Leonidas Hubbard, a journalist and explorer who perished in Labrador in 1903.

After his death she organized an expedition which in 1905 successfully crossed the northeastern part of the Labrador Peninsula with the object of completing Hubbard’s work. She made many interesting discoveries, and was the first white person to cross the Great Divide between the Naskaupi and George Rivers. On returning to the United States she gave an account of her journey to the American Geographical Society, and in 1908 published A Woman’s Way through Unknown Labrador.


Reference: Famous Women; An Outline of Feminine Achievement Through the Ages With Life Stories of Five Hundred Noted Women By Joseph Adelman. Copyright, 1926 by Ellis M. Lonow Company.