Anna B. WarnerAnna B. Warner
American Novelist
1820 – 1915 A.D.

Anna Bartlett Warner, an American novelist, who wrote under the pseudonym of Amy Lothrop.

She collaborated much with her sister Susan, and for many years they lived on Constitution Island in the Hudson, near West Point, where they conducted a Bible Class for the cadets of the United States Military Academy, and came to be regarded as almost a part of the teaching force of that institution.

In 1908, with Mrs. Russell Sage, she gave Constitution Island to the government. Her funeral services were conducted with military honors.

Besides her many stories, she wrote a life of her sister, Susan Warner.


Reference: Famous Women; An Outline of Feminine Achievement Through the Ages With Life Stories of Five Hundred Noted Women By Joseph Adelman. Copyright, 1926 by Ellis M. Lonow Company.

Quote by Anna B. Warner