Charlotte M.Yonge

English Novelist and Historian

1823 – 1901 A.D.

Miss Yonge has been a most prolific writer, having published about one hundred and twenty-five volumes of fiction and a large number of national histories for younger readers. She is an ardent supporter of high church views and this appears in nearly all of her books.

She gained a large circle of readers by The Heir of Redclyffe, which appeared in 1853. A large part of the early profits from this book were used to fit out the missionary schooner, “Southern Cross,” for Bishop Selwyn.

From the profits of her book Daisy Chain she gave £2,000 to build a missionary college in New Zealand.

Her historical works include Greece, Rome, France, Germany, England and the United States.

She has also written History of Christian Names and their Derivation and Story of English Missionary Workers. Several of her histories for young people were rewritten so that they could be read and enjoyed by the small children as, for example, Aunt Charlotte’s Roman History for the Little Ones.

Among her many works of fiction are the following: Lances of Lynwood, Scenes from the Life of a Spinster, Clever Woman of the Family, Prince and Page, A Story of the Last Crusade, The Dove in the Eagle’s nest.

In quantity her productions are a marvel; the quality is well sustained.


Reference: Woman: Her Position, Influence, and Achievement Throughout the Civilized World published by the King-Richardson Co. in 1903.