Queen of Louis II, King of Italy
Ninth Century A.D.
Angelberga, Empress of the West, wife of Louis II., emperor and king of Italy, is supposed to have been of illustrious birth, though that is uncertain. She was a woman of courage and ability; but proud, unfeeling, and venal. The war in which her husband was involved with the king of Germany was especially rendered unfortunate by her pride and rapacity.
In 874, Angelberga built, at Plaisance, a monastery, which afterwards became one of the most famous in Italy. After the death of Louis, Angelberga remained at the convent of St. Julia, in Brescia, where her treasures were deposited. In 881, Charles the Fat, of France, caused Angelberga to be taken and carried prisoner into Germany, lest she would assist, by her wealth and political knowledge, her daughter Ermengarde, who had married Boron, king of Provence, a relative of Charles. She was released, however, through intervention of the pope. It is not known when she died.
Angelberga had two daughters, Ermengarde, who survived her, and Gisela, abbess of St. Julia, who died before her parents.
Reference: Woman: Her Position, Influence and Achievement Throughout the Civilized World. Designed and Arranged by William C. King. Published in 1900 by The King-Richardson Co. Copyright 1903 The King-Richardson Co.